Showing posts with label peril. Show all posts
Showing posts with label peril. Show all posts

03 January 2022

The Meaning of 2022

2019. The Karoo Semi-Desert. Photo by Thomas Scarborough.

by Chengde Chen *


When the face mask is off
A Christmas smile appears 
But you know it is a forced one
With much fearfulness underneath 
The plague persists with craziness 
Bones piling up mountain high
Global warming knocks on the door
Proving it has been too late to stop
The conflict between the superpowers 
Increasingly lead to a world war
Which probably let nuclear power
Decide our joys and sorrows
Three kinds of doom come together
As if to make sure there is no escape
But it is this that gives 2022 meaning –
To test human resilience to the full!

* Chengde Chen: author of Five Themes of Today; The Thought-read Revolution, etc.