Showing posts with label Priyanka Gupta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Priyanka Gupta. Show all posts

25 February 2025

A Thank You Note to Myself

by Priyanka Gupta

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is an extract from Priyanka Gupta's new book, Journeys Beyond and Within. The extract is selected for its ambiguity and paradoxicality—in short, for its thought-provoking nature. The title of this post is hers.

What you forget is that you’ve always been fearless.

Remember when you were a little girl? Every evening you waited for your father to return home on his scooter. As soon as you heard him, you stuttered out some unformed words and wailed. Your parents understood.

You wanted to ride the two-wheeler. You cried until he put you down in its leg space. Only a few months old, you couldn’t stand. Sitting down, you clutched the plastic baggage holder up front.

As the scooter vroom-vroomed, you giggled, your cheeks wet with tears.

Your parents say you were stubborn. That you weren’t scared.

Think of that girl. Weren’t you her?

03 October 2022

Picture Post # 79: Home

'Because things don’t appear to be the known thing; they aren’t what they seemed to be
neither will they become what they might appear to become.'


Posted by Priyanka Gupta *


Slum Dweller in Bangalore. Photo by Priyanka Gupta
Slums fill Bangalore city. Most of the people staying in them are construction workers who set up temporary abodes near the construction area. Sometimes you will see the slum dwellers going on with their regular activities out on the road. What option do they have?

The scene seems so complete and wholesome with the little girl child happily enjoying her play time in the toy car while watching her mother cook. But if I would have to cook on the street on a temporary earthen chulha every day, I would pull my hair out. Or would I?

* Priyanka Gupta, a former investment banker, writes about alternative ways of living, learning, and exploring. Read more about her at On My Canvas.